Monday, June 22, 2009

The day..

Its 4.53 in the morning..couldn't sleep right now...thinking about my friends whom i gonna miss so much by next semester. Rewinding few hours back, it was an epic journey for me and my friends Haris and Azzahra. Both of them are my best friend. But weirdly, this was my first hangout moment with Azza. I usually hang out with my other fantastic 4 friends which now is not that fantastic anymore as Haris and I are the only 'normal' people remaining in the Since Haris and Azza are already finish their last semester, im unable to spend some fun time together on next semester. So i decided to have one last good time with them before i go back to my hometown tomorrow. We went to One Utama and had a horribly big tasty lunch at Carl's Jr. Then went on for a feet killer walk in One Utama for 6 hours. We bought some stuff cuz there was plenty of sales around. Then around 10.30pm we went to Murni at SS2 and had another horribly tasty dinner..Nasi goreng chicken Marryland and Mee Raja and it was so fuckin delicous. Then we went back home to college around 12.30am. Overall..we had a great time..Im happy but im also sad cuz im going back to my hometown tomorrow. Im gonna miss u guys so much..sob sob..fuck :(

Ouh by the way, tadi Haris ni ade masuk game competition held by Sony. So he just need to win the racing game and win a Sony Ericsson mobile phone. But sadly he didn't Balik rumah training kaw2, esok lusa pegi lagi OU ok? hahaha..

Em, i guess thats it laa. Nothing else to tell. Ouh wait, i did buy a BodyGlove t-shirt. LOL. Since ada around 50% and 70% discount, sure la kena beli satu. Lagi pun dah 4 bulan tak beli baju baru. So ape salahnya rite? Nak balik esok bai, kene pakai smart2 la..hahaha..

Ok then, thats it for now..nak pegi main game jap, susah betol nak tido. Nanti dalam bus leh je tido.


  1. still can't recognize your face la. sigh.

  2. hahaha omg am i that mysterious to u?? haha

  3. I like Carl's Jr but I think their prices are a little steep for fast food =\
