Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pagi.Tak Mandi.Result.Lapar

Pagi tadi lewat ke kelas.. Overslept pasal tengok bola semalam (Geram betol Man.Utd menang semalam). Kelas pukul 9am, aku bangun 8.58am. Ape lagi, aku teros pegi basoh muke, gosok gigi, sembor perfume banyak-banyak, and selambe panda je teros pegi kelas. Dah almost half an hour late. Kelas pulak dekat lab di hujung sane. Tapi thank God. Kelas pun tak mule lagi, aku tengok sume lepak-lepak lagi..Mira tengah main Solitaire, Wilson pulak tengah sembang bohong dengan classmate. 

So aku tak miss anything. Then Madam Thamil (lecturer) kate die nak kasi result exam hari tu. Dengan statistic yang menggerunkan untuk subject ni, aku pun dah mule gelabah sikit. Mana tak nye, last sem pun hanye beberape ketol je dapat highest and majority failed. Sem ni pulak orang dapat highest pun sekadar Merit. Few got Pass and the rest failed. (-_-')

Tapi apa-apa pun syukur aku dapat Merit. Alhamdulillah!!!!... And right now im sooooo damn hungry. Roti canai terbaik (I repeat..TERBAIK) yang aku telan pukul 3am semalam tu pun dah tak terasa.. Aku lapaq..Sekian...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spontaneously tersilap langkah

Around 10pm tadi aku baru sampai apartment. Penat tolong ajar classmate aku name Wilson ni buat website die. Perot dah vibrate tanpa henti. Tanda aku dah mula lapar. Aku YM Haris, tanye die nak keluar tengok bola tak pagi nanti. Here's the conversation :

Kery: haaa
Kery: nk tanye
Mohd Haris: tanye
Kery: pg japg nk kuar g tgk match x?
Mohd Haris: ni kaunter pertanyaaan
Kery: klau x aku nk g bli mkn skang
Mohd Haris: kuar2
Kery: ouhh
Kery: ok2 so aku xyah mkn la skang ni
Mohd Haris: i'm feeling a old trafford meltdown
Kery: Old toilet laaaa
Mohd Haris: :))
Mohd Haris: gile toilet meltdown
Mohd Haris: tahi sape tu
Mohd Haris: owh
Mohd Haris: the manure
Mohd Haris: :))
Kery: ahahaha
Kery: btolllllllllll

and the conversation fill with $%#^@* about Man.Utd goes on and on and on..

Then afterwards aku pun layan je la blog aku ni and facebook as well. Sambil layan lagu-lagu dalam iTunes ni, ym la dengan 2..3 ekor member..Pastu suddenly aku terdengar suara-suara perempuan mengilai di luar tingkap. Aku wat derk je la. Malas nak layan. Pastu makin lame makin ceria pulak suara-suara mengilai tadi tu. Then suddenly phone aku menyanyi. Tengok2 Fatin yang call. Dia kate penat dok jerit-jerit panggil name aku kat luar tadi. Aku pun jengok la kat luar. Nampak Fatin and Yaty daaa berdugong kat luar tu. 

Aku pun dengan 'perasannye' ingat diorang saje je datang nak singgah jengok aku. Punye la gembira fikirkan yang diorang ni sayang aku lebih agaknye. Dah pegi kedai kat belakang tu mungkin ade beli apa-apa untuk aku kot. Aku pun decide nak turun sembang-sembang dengan diorang. Pastu elok aku dah turun, tibe-tibe diorang teros belah pegi ke arah bertentangan dengan aku. Rupe-rupenye diorang nak jumpe member diorang yang tinggal sama block dengan aku nih daa..isk..isk.. 

Dengan perasaan penoh hampa, malu, dejected, dan perasan..aku pun cepat-cepat control macho and teros gerak ke kedai belakang and beli air anggur sebungkus and keropok Mr.Potato 2 bungkus. 

p/s : Kenyang pulak makan keropok nih..

I say you sing and you sing what i say

   If a thing isn't worth saying,
                                you sing it.

Starved To Death

Today tak makan lagi.. hanye sekadar menelan air liur saje. Status kelaparan dah meningkat 93%. Still tak mau pegi beli makanan. Sebab ade ura-ura mengatakan Haris and Fatin nak keluar pegi makan kejap lagi. Kalau makan kat luar mesti lah Nasi Ayam Mantin. Best ke? Well i can assure you my mom's punye nasi ayam is as good as this..BUT 10 times better ;D 

p/s : It's hard to kill on an empty stomach ;P

When laziness struck

Haiiihhhh..semalam pegi tengok bola.. around 2.45am..5.30am tu baru balik..result game tu draw 0-0 (tengok kat rumah pun berbaloi). Class pulak pukul 10am. Mula la terasa bahang2 kemalasan ni..Tapi aku seorang yang rajin. Attendance tak pernah fail..kekekeke.. Ok la..dah almost 10am.. Out to class kejap..nanti aku conteng lain blog nih..

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bila Messi main bola :-)

I just gotta give this dude a credit. He's just awesome and its a jaw dropping to watch him playing football.

Tersedih Ala Boneka Seketika..

Sekarang dah pukul 8.46pm. Lagi 4 jam before hari ni tamat. Hari ni macam boring sikit.. Sebab apa? Sebab aku tidak keluar rumah langsung. Hanya duduk menghadap monitor jer.

Around 3.30pm tadi ade la joking dengan Fatin. Nak makan KFC. Tapi, sebenarnye nak makan nasi saje. Then aku kate kat Fatin nak pergi tapau makanan kat kedai belakang ni saje.. actually aku tipu die je..aku makan meggi tomyam...again.. 

Then around 4.41pm, Fatin ade call..ajak pergi Nilai cuz she wants to get her hair fixed up. But she didn't mention anything about KFC. I decline..cuz i dah plan nak pergi main bola petang tu. 

Half and hour later i SMS Shahril.. ajak die main bola. Tiba-tiba die reply kate die ade kat luar kolej..tak jadi main bola. Aku sedih..Then 5 minit kemudian Fatin pulak SMS kate die, Haris, and Yaty ade kat KFC. Aku bertambah sedih lagi.. 

Tapi tak mengapa.. i dah save around RM20 dalam masa 2 hari.. So malam ni aku nak makan dengan senonoh sikit.. Aku nak makan nasi lauk ayam goreng(bukan KFC) dengan air oren yang cost around RM4.50.. 

p/s : Aku lapaq (-_-")

UEFA Champions League, 1st leg Semi-final

Tomorrow morning 2.45am, ade bola..UEFA Champions League, Semi-Final. Liverpool dah takde (-_-) , but still its not a reason why i shouldnt watch the game hehehe.. The 1st semi-final will be Barcelona vs Chelsea and the 2nd semi-final will be Man.Utd vs Arsenal. I can assure you that i will be supporting both Barcelona and Arsenal in these ties..hehe..

30th April 2009
Manchester United vs Arsenal
venue: Old Trafford, Manchester
Time: 2.45am
Live on ESPN

29th April 2009
Barcelona vs Chelsea
Venue : Nou camp, Barcelona
Time: 2.45am
Live on ESPN

p/s : jersey Barca and Arsenal tak beli lagi (-_-)

1st ever TAG!! lol..Thanx Arin


1. Anda perlu "PrintScreen (PrtSc)" wallpaper yg anda sedang guna sekarang.

2. Beritahu mengapa anda suke "wallpaper" anda itu.

Saya suke Alma!!! Saya sayang kamu Alma. Kamu lah girlfriend saya di kala saya keseorangan bermain game F.E.A.R.2. Awak sentiasa menakut-nakut kan saya dengan aksi2 seram awak. Saya suke!!!! hahaha

3. TAG 1o orang.
~ Fatin
~ Zara
~ Anyone

Your Best Teacher Is Your Last Mistake

Thats what i found out from one of my favourite book - Treasury of Wit & Wisdom, from Reader's Digest. Wicked stuff inside this book.. Since tak dapat tidur time2 macam ni, baik bace buku..hahaha.. :-)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Curving The Bullets

I've been having a good time playing some high-end computer games in the last couple of months. Time Shift, Tomb Raider Underworld, Lost Planet, Assassin Creed, F.E.A.R. 2, and currently, Wanted: Weapon of Fate. So far i think Wanted is one of my favourite. The movement and environment of the game is awesome. One of my favourite movement (ofcourse) is curving the bullet in slow-motion. Its so wicked.. Not to mention during the fighting scenes, where the good and bad guys cursing each other to the 

Aku benci bila...

  • Kawan aku berubah...mcm sorang nih.. (-_-)
  • di tinggalkan berseorangan (-_-)
  • terpaksa makan meggi di saat2 mcm miskin tp sebenarnya tak miskin pun (-_-)
  • Man.Utd mng game walaupun diorang xspatotnye mng (-_-)
  • Liverpool main xsenonoh tp mng (-_-)
  • byr mahal2 tp makanan tu kureng (-_-)
  • phone xde kredit mcm sekarang nih (-_-)

My laughing gas tank cracked just now because..

Almost Gold - Better Than This

Few days ago, my bro told me to check out on this band called Almost Gold. They are new, i don't know if they already have an album.. as far as im concern this song is from thier mixed tape/demo. 
Took a chance of listing to some of thier tracks in their Myspace, and they are totally awesome.. a bit like The Fallout Boys..but simply awesome..
Check em out.


New is Sweet but Old is Gold

Bought a new pair of football boots few days ago. Nothing fancy, just a simple Adidas Predator boots. Im going to sell my old boots to my fellow friend cuz his boots didn't serve him

Anyway, goodbye my old football gonna miss u huhuhu..

The new one :D

The old one :(

p/s : Shahril...jage die elok2 ok??!!

F**k You..I hate You 4ever!!!

Ok..first of not a fan of blogging..cuz i don't like sharing my stuff with others, or telling others what the f**k happened in my life daily.. But somehow, i've managed to fall into this blogging world after reading my friends, ex-gf, strangers', and even my teacher's blog everyday..and i found out that it actually quite f**kin interesting.. I don't know, maybe i felt that im getting bored playing computer games, football, and watching movies all the time..and i guess i need somwthing new..well atleast learn to share something with others.. ok enough of this crappy stuff..hope i can get my blog moving...hope to make some cool friends in here..ouh btw, im can call me Kery.. and im part of this freak group called Fantastic4...fantastic la

Fatin, Yaty, Haris and Me

p/s : Fatin & Yaty, sile tunjuk ajar yea :P