Sunday, May 24, 2009

Penyakit Gila Tenuk

Ok tajuk kat atas takde kena mengena dengan entry ni..Ok straight to the point, i actually like this girl (comel, lawa, pemalu, sensitive and gemar bersukan :D) so much  but she didn't know about it..but i assume she only treat me as her friend and not more than that. Its ok.. I can take it.. its not really a hard punch. I took more blows on my chin and emotional much more than anyone could think of. But now, im just soooo fuckin confuse... should i tell her my true feelings? or should i just let it go and take another blow as usual. If i do plan to get on with it, how laa im suppose to forget about her (comel, lawa, pemalu, sensitive and gemar bersukan..isk isk) ? old tricks like getting yourself busy is never that efficient nowadays.
I know right now is not the right time to get on with this relationship thingy, but i just cant help it. Seeing others hangging out with their girls really test my nerves. Ye laa..time nak kuar makan pun takde teman. Kawan-kawan semua sibuk dengan 'partner' masing-masing. So im just spending more times infront of my computer, playing video games, getting fat (well not exactly). But sometimes as a normal human being, i just think that i really deserve some loving and caring moment too. Getting a good results and good grades doesnt give you a long lasting joy..Well atleast i can cheer up my parents with it. Believe me i've been there..on every occasion that i could remember. It sux though..

Ok, lepas tulis semua ni aku tak pasti apa sebenarnya motif utama yang nak di-highlight-kan. Fuck it.. Im just being such a pussy. Dear God please help me.


  1. hihiii~
    u just express wat u feel..
    its ok la..
    xdpt nk gitau that mistery girl bout ur feeling to her tp kamu dah express kat sini..

    xtakut ke kalu2 dia terbaca blog nih??

  2. hahaha...xmungkin kot die nak bace blog i ni...BLOG SAYA TIDAK MENARIK!! kakaka
